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Mental Health Support
Updated over 8 months ago

Recognizing when you need mental health support is important and we're here to make this process as empathetic, stress-free, and beneficial as possible. Below are hand-picked national and city-based resources for you!


SAMHSA provides many resources on mental health and substance abuse treatment and makes it easy to find services local to you, through their locator search.

National Alliance of Mental Illness provides free mental health information, support, and resource referrals and will work with you to identify the best resource(s) for your individual concern(s).

Ayana Therapy is a teletherapy source for marginalized and intersectional communities that matches your needs with a licensed therapist that shares similar traits and values. They also give free therapy sessions to frontline workers during COVID-19.

Los Angeles

5 Acres develops the behavioral and mental care of individuals, children, and families who suffer from neglect, abuse, and other issues that impede their overall well-being.


HealthyMindsPhilly is an online tool to help you identify mental health-related crises as well as free online mental health screenings, giving Philadelphians individualized recommendations to find safe spaces for treatment.

New York

Vibrant Emotional Health serves around 2.5 million people a year with confidential emotional support through their state-of-the-art crisis services, which include the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and NYC Well.


Joshua Generation offers well-trained and fully-licensed psychologists and counselors to support an array of mental health problems (depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, etc), including counseling for individuals, couples, and groups.

Talk to Someone at Piñata

Please feel free to contact us with any questions, comments, or concerns you may have. We are here to make your experience worthwhile!

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